Monday, January 9, 2012

5 Easy Organic Breakfast Options for On-The-Go Moms

Check out these 5 organic recipes for on-the-go moms. They are wholesome, easy to make, and delicious. From EcoSalon:

In just an hour, you can make a tasty breakfast that will last for weeks to come. In a large bowl, mix a cup of organic honey and apple juice with 8 cups of oats and spread it out thinly on a cookie sheet. Cook it in the oven for 45 minutes at 350 degrees, let it cool completely, crumble your homemade granola and store it in an airtight container.

If oatmeal sounds like a pretty bland meal, try this simple recipe. Boil 2 cups of water and a pinch of salt. Turn down the heat, add a cup of organic oats and stir until it absorbs the water. Mix in a tablespoon of flaxseeds, ¼ cup of chopped walnuts and dried cranberries, and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon. Shut the burner off, cover and wait 5 minutes. Stir in some molasses and soy milk to make this meal as good as gourmet.

Soy Smoothie
Boost your early morning energy level with this scrumptious organic smoothie recipe. Pour a teaspoon of almond extract, a cup of firm light tofu, 2 scoops of soy protein powder, 3/4 cup of blueberries and a cup of vanilla soy milk into a blender and press the button. 

Skip the processed, sugary boxed version and make your own. Mix a cup of unsweetened apple juice, 4 cups of applesauce, 2 cups of oats, a teaspoon of cinnamon, ¼ cup of almond slivers and ¾ cup of raisins, and refrigerate this tasty concoction overnight. The best part is that you can store it in the fridge and enjoy your homemade cereal all week long.

Measure a cup of organic yogurt, ¼ cup of granola and a cup of seasonal fruit of your choice, and layer these ingredients in a bowl. 

Source: EcoSalon

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